Purpose and Use

A validation screen in DocBits is used to check the correctness and completeness of the data contained in documents before they are further processed or saved. This is especially important to ensure that all data is read and processed correctly, which ensures data integrity and quality.

Here is a more detailed description of the purpose and use of a validation screen in this context:

Purpose of a validation screen

Ensuring data quality:

  • Checking the correctness and completeness of the extracted data to avoid incorrect or incomplete data.

Data integrity:

  • Ensuring that the data meets the specified requirements and standards.

Error prevention:

  • Early detection and correction of errors to avoid later problems in data processing.

User friendliness:

  • Providing the user with immediate feedback if errors or inconsistencies occur so that they can be corrected immediately.


  • Ensuring compliance with legal and company regulations and standards.


  • Reducing the effort required for subsequent corrections and the need for manual checks.

Using a validation screen

Automatic data extraction:

Optical character recognition (OCR):

  • Automatically reading text from scanned documents or images.

Structured and unstructured data:

  • Processing data from different document types, such as forms, invoices or contracts.

Checking and validating data:

Format validation:

  • Checking that data is in the correct formats (e.g. date formats, phone numbers, email addresses).

Required fields:

  • Ensuring that all required fields are filled in.

Range checking:

  • Validating numeric data to ensure that it is within an allowed range.

Consistency checking:

  • Checking that related data contains consistent information (e.g. start and end dates).

User interaction and troubleshooting:

Error messages:

  • Display specific and understandable error messages when data does not meet requirements.

Manual review and correction:

  • Allow users to manually review and correct data when automatic validations fail.

Data cleaning and standardization:

Automatic correction:

  • Suggest or perform automatic corrections when errors are detected.

Data formatting:

  • Standardize data formats to ensure consistency.

Security and access rights:

Input filters:

  • Protect against malicious inputs through validation and filtering.

Access control:

  • Ensure that only authorized users have access to and can edit sensitive data.

Data consistency:

Cross validation:

  • Checking whether related data fields contain consistent information (e.g. start date and end date).

Duplicate entries:

  • Avoiding duplicates in databases.

User guidance:

Error messages:

  • Displaying understandable and specific error messages when entries do not meet requirements.

Help and hints:

  • Providing help texts or tooltips to help the user with input.

A validation screen in DocBits thus helps to ensure the quality of the extracted data, detect and correct errors at an early stage and improve the efficiency of the entire data processing processes.

Last updated