Validation Screen


Save Button:

  • Save Button:

    • Purpose: Saves the current state of the document or script being worked on.

    • Use Case: After making changes or annotations to a document, use this button to ensure all modifications are saved.

Add special Rules:

  • Add Special Rules / Add Script in DocBits:

    • Purpose: Allows users to implement specific rules or scripts that customize how documents are processed.

    • Use Case: Use this feature to automate tasks like data extraction or format validation, enhancing workflow efficiency.

See here add Script in DocBits

Fuzzy Fields:

  • Fuzzy Fields:

    • Purpose: Helps in identifying and correcting fields where the data may not be a perfect match but is close enough.

    • Use Case: Useful in data validation processes where exact matches are not always possible, such as slightly misspelled names or addresses.

Required fields:

There are fields that are required for further editing, these can be edited in the settings.

Use the tool tip to find out if:

  • Is it a mandatory field (required)

  • Validation required

  • Low confidence

  • Full tax amount missmatch

Required Fields:

  • Purpose: Identifies mandatory fields within documents that must be filled out or corrected before further processing.

  • Use Case: Ensures that essential data is captured accurately, maintaining data integrity and compliance with business rules.

Magnify Glass:

  • Magnifying Glass (Magnify Glass):

    • Purpose: Provides a zoomed-in view of a selected area of the document.

    • Use Case: Helps in examining fine details or small text in documents, ensuring accuracy in data entry or review.

Open new window:

  • Open New Window:

    • Purpose: Opens a new window for side-by-side document comparison or multitasking.

    • Use Case: Useful when comparing two documents or when referencing additional information without leaving the current document.

Keyboard shortcuts:

  1. Keyboard Shortcuts:

    • Purpose: Allows users to perform actions quickly using keyboard combinations.

    • Use Case: Enhances speed and efficiency in document navigation and processing by minimizing reliance on mouse navigation.


To share internal information, you can create tasks and assign them to a specific employee or group within the company.

  • Tasks:

    • Purpose: Enables users to create tasks related to documents and assign them to team members.

    • Use Case: Facilitates collaboration and task management within teams, ensuring everyone knows their responsibilities.

Annotation mode:

You can leave annotations on a document. This can be helpful to leave information for other users who further edit this document.

  • Annotation Mode:

    • Purpose: Lets users leave notes or annotations directly on the document.

    • Use Case: Useful for providing feedback, instructions, or important notes to other team members who will work on the document later.


Documents can be merged here, for example if a page of an invoice was missing, these pages can be merged later in this way without the entire document having to be deleted or re-uploaded.

  • Merge Documents:

    • Purpose: Combines multiple documents into a single file.

    • Use Case: Handy in scenarios where parts of a document are scanned separately and need to be consolidated.

OCR view:

In the OCR view, the text is automatically filtered from the document. This is used to recognize relevant features, such as the postal code, contract number, invoice number and the sorting of a document.

  • OCR View:

    • Purpose: Automatically recognizes text within documents using Optical Character Recognition technology.

    • Use Case: Streamlines the process of digitizing printed or handwritten texts, making them searchable and editable.

Create ticket:

Unlike tasks that are passed on internally within the company, this support ticket is important to notify us and to immediately create a ticket in the event of errors and/or discrepancies. This makes the process much easier because you can immediately send the bug with the appropriate document. There is also the option to set priority, take a screenshot of the document or upload one.

  • Create Ticket:

    • Purpose: Allows users to report issues or discrepancies by creating a support ticket.

    • Use Case: Essential for quick resolution of problems and bugs, helping maintain the integrity and smooth functioning of the system.

Document skript Logs:

Scripts can be created in the settings under Document Types; this information will then be displayed here.

  • Document Script Logs:

    • Purpose: Displays logs related to scripts that have been implemented for different document types.

    • Use Case: Useful for tracking and debugging script actions on documents, helping users understand the automated processes and correct any issues.

More settings:

Split document:

  • Here you can split the document and cut or delete pages that are not needed

  • Split Document:

    • Purpose: Allows users to divide a document into separate parts, removing or isolating pages that are not needed.

    • Use Case: Ideal when dealing with multi-page documents where only certain sections are required for processing or review.

Improve document:

  • The document will be restarted

  • Improve Document:

    • Purpose: Resets the document to its initial state for re-evaluation or further modifications.

    • Use Case: Useful when initial modifications need to be undone or the document needs to be refreshed for another round of edits. Here we need some extra ML Vision to improve the document quality.

Document Flow:

There you will find the flow of the document

  • Purpose: Shows the sequence and progression of document processing within the system.

  • Use Case: Helps in tracking document status through different stages, ensuring that all necessary processing steps are followed.

Go to layout Template:

  • With this option you will be redirected and can edit your layout or use the default template

  • Go to Layout Template:

    • Purpose: Redirects users to a layout editor where they can modify existing templates or apply a default one.

    • Use Case: Enables customization of document layouts to meet specific business needs or preferences, enhancing the document’s visual and functional alignment with company standards.

Last updated