TOML Export

How XRechnung is Mapped in DocBits

1. Header Configuration (export_configuration.header)

The header section in the XRechnung is mapped to fields in DocBits as follows:

[export_configuration.header] name = "header"

[export_configuration.header.fields] DIVI = "RFP" IBTP = "20" IMCD = "0" CRTP = "1" CONO = "001" SUNO = "[supplier_id]" IVDT = "[invoice_date]" SINO = "[invoice_id]" SPYN = "[supplier_id]" CUCD = "[currency]" CUAM = "[total_amount]" FTCO = "[supplier_country_code]" PUNO = "[purchase_order]" CORI = "[correlation_id]" PAIN = "[sqr_field_esr_reference]" TCHG = "[additional_amount]" CDC1 = "[negative_amount]" APCD = "[buyer_id]" TEPY = "[payment_terms]" PYME = "[payment_method]" BKID = "[bank_id]" GEOC = "1" TECD = "[discount_term]" TXAP = "[tax_applicable]" TXIN = "[tax_included]"

  •  SUNO: Supplier ID, mapped to [supplier_id] from XRechnung.

  •  IVDT: Invoice Date, mapped to [invoice_date].

  •  SINO: Invoice Number, mapped to [invoice_id].

  •  Other fields such as total amount, currency, and payment terms are similarly mapped from the XRechnung to DocBits fields.

2. Tax Lines (export_configuration.tax_lines)

Tax-related information is mapped using the following configuration:

[export_configuration.tax_lines] name = "tax_lines"

[export_configuration.tax_lines.fields] RDTP = "3" DIVI = "RFP" CONO = "001" TAXT = "2" GEOC = "[[geo_code]]" TTXA = "[[amount]]" TAXC = "[[tax_code]]"

  •  GEOC: Geo Code, mapped to the corresponding [geo_code] from XRechnung.

  •  TAXC: Tax Code, mapped to [tax_code].

3. Order Header Charges (export_configuration.order_header_charges)

This section handles any additional charges that need to be added at the header level of the XRechnung.

[export_configuration.order_header_charges] name = "order_header_charges"

[export_configuration.order_header_charges.fields] RDTP = "2" DIVI = "RFP" CONO = "001" NLAM = "[[amount]]" CEID = "[[costing_element]]" CDSE = "[[charge_sequence]]"

  •  NLAM: Amount for the order charge.

  •  CEID: Costing Element, which can be mapped from specific XRechnung elements.

4. Receipt Lines (export_configuration.receipt_lines)

Receipt lines, which represent line items in the XRechnung, are handled as follows:

[export_configuration.receipt_lines] name = "receipt_lines"

[export_configuration.receipt_lines.fields] RDTP = "1" DIVI = "RFP" RELP = "1" CONO = "001" IVQA = "[[quantity]]" PUUN = "[[unit]]" PUNO = "[[purchase_order]]" PNLI = "[[line_number]]" ITNO = "[[item_number]]" POPN = "[[item_number]]" SUDO = "[[packing_slip]]" GRPR = "[[gross_unit_price]]" PPUN = "[[unit_code_price]]" TCHG = "[[charges]]" CDC1 = "[[discount]]" REPN = "[[receipt_number]]" PNLS = "[[sub_line_number]]"

  •  IVQA: Quantity, mapped from the [quantity] in the XRechnung line items.

  •  ITNO: Item Number, mapped to [item_number].

5. Cost Lines (export_configuration.cost_lines)

Cost lines, which handle additional costs in the XRechnung, are mapped using the following:

[export_configuration.cost_lines] name = "cost_lines"

[export_configuration.cost_lines.fields] RDTP = "8" DIVI = "RFP" CONO = "001" NLAM = "[[amount]]" VTXT = "[[voucher_text]]" AO01 = "[[accounting_object_1]]" AO02 = "[[accounting_object_2]]" AO03 = "[[accounting_object_3]]" AO04 = "[[accounting_object_4]]" AO05 = "[[accounting_object_5]]" AO06 = "[[accounting_object_6]]" AO07 = "[[accounting_object_7]]" AIT1 = "[[ledger_account]]" AIT2 = "[[dimension_2]]" AIT3 = "[[dimension_3]]" AIT4 = "[[dimension_4]]" AIT5 = "[[dimension_5]]" AIT6 = "[[dimension_6]]" AIT7 = "[[dimension_7]]"

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