
Functional Documentation

This module contains functions for manipulating document data and performing various operations related to document fields.


  1. set_field_value(document_data, field_name, value)

    • Description: Sets the value of a field in the document data.

    • Parameters:

      • document_data (dict): The document data containing field information.

      • field_name (str): The name of the field to set.

      • value: The value to set for the field.

    • Example:

      set_field_value(document_data, "name", "John Doe")

  2. set_date_value(document_data, field_name, value)

    • Description: Sets the value of a date field in the document data.

    • Parameters:

      • document_data (dict): The document data containing field information.

      • field_name (str): The name of the date field to set.

      • value: The date value to set in ISO format (e.g., "2020-12-31").

    • Example:

      set_date_value(document_data, "date_of_birth", "1990-05-15")

  3. set_amount_value(document_data, field_name, value)

    • Description: Sets the value of an amount field in the document data.

    • Parameters and example usage similar to set_field_value.

  4. set_is_required(document_data, field_name, value)

    • Description: Sets the 'is_required' attribute of a field in the document data.

    • Parameters and example usage similar to set_field_value.

  5. set_force_validation(document_data, field_name, value)

    • Description: Sets the 'force_validation' attribute of a field in the document data.

    • Parameters and example usage similar to set_field_value.

  6. set_field_attribute(document_data, field_name, attribute_name, value)

    • Description: Sets a custom attribute of a field in the document data.

    • Parameters:

      • attribute_name (str): The name of the attribute to set.

      • value: The value to set for the attribute.

    • Example:

      set_field_attribute(document_data, "address", "is_verified", True)

  7. get_field_value(document_data, field_name, default_value=None, is_clean=False)

    • Description: Gets the value of a field from the document data.

    • Parameters and example usage similar to set_field_value.

  8. create_new_field(field_name, value="")

    • Description: Creates a new field with the specified name and value.

    • Parameters:

      • field_name (str): The name of the field to create.

      • value: The initial value for the field (default is an empty string).

    • Example:

      create_new_field("address", "123 Main St")

  9. delete_field(document_data, field_name)

    • Description: Deletes a field from the document data.

    • Parameters and example usage similar to set_field_value.

  10. update_document_status_with_doc_id(doc_id, user, org_id, status, message=None, doc_classification_class=None)

    • Description: Updates the status of a document with the specified ID.

    • Parameters:

      • doc_id (str): The ID of the document to update.

      • user: The user performing the update (either user ID or UserAuthentication object).

      • org_id: The ID of the organization to which the document belongs.

      • status (str): The new status of the document.

      • message: Optional message associated with the status update.

      • doc_classification_class: Optional document classification class.

    • Example:

      update_document_status_with_doc_id("123456", user, org_id, "approved", "Document approved")

  11. is_supplier_valid(user: UserAuthentication, filter_data_json, sub_org_id=None)

    • Description: Checks if a supplier is valid based on the provided criteria.

    • Parameters:

      • user (UserAuthentication): The authenticated user.

      • filter_data_json: Filter criteria for validating the supplier.

      • sub_org_id: Optional sub-organization ID for filtering.

    • Example:

      is_supplier_valid(user, {"name": "Supplier Inc."})

  12. set_field_as_invalid(document_data, field_name, message, code=None)

    • Description: Marks a field as invalid in the document data.

    • Parameters:

      • document_data (dict): The document data containing field information.

      • field_name (str): The name of the field to mark as invalid.

      • message (str): The validation message for the field.

      • code (optional): Error code for the validation (default is None).

    • Example:

      set_field_as_invalid(document_data, "email", "Invalid email format", "EMAIL_FORMAT_INVALID")

  13. compare_values(value1, value2)

    • Description: Compares two values for equality, handling various data types.

    • Parameters:

      • value1: The first value to compare.

      • value2: The second value to compare.

    • Example:

      compare_values(10, "10")


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