
  1. Global Settings:

    • Company Information: Define and edit basic details about the company, like name, address, and other identifiers.

    • Groups, Users and Permissions: Manage user roles and permissions, allowing different levels of access to various features within DocBits.

    • Integration: Set up and configure integrations with other software or systems, enhancing DocBits' functionality with external services.

    • Document Types: Specify and manage different types of documents that DocBits will process, such as invoices, orders, etc.

    • Email Notification: Configure settings for email alerts and notifications related to document processing activities.

    • Dashboard: Customize the dashboard view with widgets and metrics that are important for the users.

  2. Document Processing:

    • Documents Expiry: Set rules for how long documents are retained before being archived or deleted.

    • Import: Configure how documents are imported into DocBits, including source settings and file types.

    • OCR Settings: Adjust settings for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) that converts images of text into machine-encoded text.

    • Classification and Extraction: Define how documents are categorized and how data is extracted from documents.

    • Master Data Lookup: Set up lookups for validating or supplementing extracted data with pre-existing master data.

    • List of Values: Manage predefined lists that are used in data entry and validation.

    • Export: Configure how and where processed documents and data are exported.

    • Module: Additional modules that can be configured to extend functionality.

  3. API Licenses: Manage API keys and monitor usage statistics for APIs used by DocBits.

  4. Supplier Settings: Configure and manage settings specific to suppliers, possibly integrating with supplier management systems.

  5. Cache Management: Adjust settings related to the caching of data to improve performance of the system.

Last updated