
  • Auto Accounting: DocBits offers automated accounting functionality, streamlining the process of handling financial transactions associated with purchase orders (POs) and other documents.

  • M3 Integration: Integration with M3, an ERP software solution, allowing seamless interaction between DocBits and M3 for enhanced document management and processing.

  • PO Dashboard: A centralized dashboard within DocBits specifically designed to manage and monitor purchase orders, providing insights and analytics for efficient tracking and decision-making.

  • Shipment Order Dashboard: Similar to the PO Dashboard, this feature focuses on managing and monitoring shipment orders, facilitating smooth logistics operations.

  • Dashboards v2: An updated version of the dashboard interface, likely with improved user experience and additional features for enhanced usability.

  • Advance Shipment Dashboard: A specialized dashboard for advanced monitoring and management of shipment-related activities, offering deeper insights and functionalities.

  • Supplier Portal: A portal within DocBits dedicated to suppliers, enabling them to interact and collaborate with the system, enhancing communication and efficiency in the supply chain.

  • Workflow Builder: A tool for creating and customizing workflows within DocBits, allowing users to define specific processes and automate document handling according to their unique business requirements.

  • Layout Builder: Enables users to design and customize the layout of documents within DocBits, ensuring alignment with branding and usability standards.

  • Annotation Mode: A feature that allows users to annotate and mark up documents directly within the DocBits interface, facilitating collaboration and feedback.

  • Show report: Functionality to generate and display reports within DocBits, providing insights and analytics on various aspects of document processing and management.

  • Models & Labels: Tools for defining and configuring document recognition models and labels within DocBits, enhancing accuracy and efficiency in document processing.

  • Document script: Likely a feature for scripting and automating specific actions or processes related to document handling within DocBits.

  • Document scan: Capability to scan physical documents and import them into DocBits for digital processing and management.

  • QR-Code extraction: A feature for extracting information from QR codes embedded in documents, enabling automated data capture and processing.

  • Custom Master Data: Allows users to define and manage custom master data fields and attributes within DocBits, tailoring the system to their specific business needs.

  • Tasks & Notifications: Functionality for managing tasks and receiving notifications within DocBitsGBT, ensuring timely action and communication regarding document processing activities.

  • IDM ACL Updater: This module likely deals with updating and managing access control lists (ACLs) within DocBits, ensuring proper permissions and security for document access and handling.

Last updated