Export to M3 Mapping (API)
M3 export mapping file is divided in 5 sections and each section is further divided into 2 sections
Header Static Fields
Header Fields
Tax Lines
Tax Line Static Fields
Tax Line Fields
Receipt Lines
Receipt Line Static Fields
Receipt Line Fields
Order Charge Lines (Additional Amounts)
Order Charge Static Fields
Order Charge Fields
Cost Lines
Cost Line Static Fields
Cost Line Fields
Adding and Removing Fields
Adding New Field:
First we need to add the M3 api field name to the relevant section’s fields list property (e.g. StaticFields, HeaderFields, InvoiceTaxFields)
Define the static value or document field name for the api field with appropriate prefix for the section
Example 1: To define a static value of AAA for the M3 api field DIVI. First we added DIVI to StaticFields property. Then we add a line SF_DIVI = AAA as SF_ is the prefix for static fields
Example2: To map header field IVDT (invoice data) to invoice_date field of DocBits. First we add IVDT to HeaderFields property. Then we add a line HF_IVDT = invoice_date as HF_ is the prefix for header fields
Removing Field:
Just remove the field from section’s field list property and remove the line defining value for the field.
Available M3 Api Fields:
Available M3 fields can be checked by opening appropriate screen in M3.
Similarly you can get field names for lines
Fields List Property: StaticFields
Section Fields Prefix: SF_
Available Fields: You can map any M3 api field with any static value
Header Fields
Fields List Property: HeaderFields
Section Fields Prefix: HF_
Available Fields: You can map any DocBits field to any M3 api field
Tax Line:
Tax Line Static Fields:
Fields List Property: InvoiceTaxStaticFields
Section Fields Prefix: IT_SF_
Available M3 Fields: Please check M3 API or UI
Available DocBits Fields: You can put any value as they are static fields
Tax Line Fields:
Fields List Property: InvoiceTaxFields
M3 Fields Prefix: ITF_
DocBits Table Field Prefix: TF_
Available M3 Fields: Please check M3 API or UI
Available DocBits Fields: line_number, tax_amount, tax_rate, net_amount, gross_amount, tax_code_full, tax_code, tax_country
Receipt Line:
Receipt Line Static Fields:
Fields List Property: InvoiceReceiptStaticFields
Section Fields Prefix: IR_SF_
Available M3 Fields: Please check M3 API or UI
Available DocBits Fields: You can put any value as they are static fields
Receipt Line Fields:
Fields List Property: InvoiceReceiptFields
M3 Fields Prefix: IRF_
DocBits Table Field Prefix: TF_
Available M3 Fields: Please check M3 API or UI
Available DocBits Fields: packing_slip, purchase_order, line_number, line_sequence, delivery_number, delivery_line, amount, quantity, total_net_amount
Order Charge Line:
Order Charge Static Fields:
Fields List Property: OrderChargeStaticFields
Section Fields Prefix: OC_SF_
Available M3 Fields: Please check M3 API or UI
Available DocBits Fields: You can put any value as they are static fields
Order Charge Fields:
Fields List Property: OrderChargeFields
M3 Fields Prefix: OCF_
DocBits Table Field Prefix: TF_
Available M3 Fields: Please check M3 API or UI
Available DocBits Fields: ledger_account, dimension_2-7, amount, quantity, quantity2, position
Cost Line:
Cost Line Static Fields:
Fields List Property: InvoiceCostStaticFields
Section Fields Prefix: IC_SF_
Available M3 Fields: Please check M3 API or UI
Available DocBits Fields: You can put any value as they are static fields
Cost Line Fields:
Fields List Property: InvoiceCostFields
M3 Fields Prefix: ICF_
DocBits Table Field Prefix: TF_
Available M3 Fields: Please check M3 API or UI
Available DocBits Fields: ledger_account, dimension_1-12, amount, quantity, quantity2, position
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