This is created in INFOR ION API → Authorized Apps and an app like below should be shown
If not, then you need to create a new Authorized App. This can be done clicking the plus sign
Once you have entered the Name (DocBits_*Environment*) and Type (case specific) of the new Authorized App, you will be taken to a page where the Client ID and Secret have been generated automatically.
The information you fill in should be similar to what is shown above, it is important to enable the “Issue Refresh Tokens” slider at the bottom of the page.
Click “Download Credentials” to download the ION Mapping File.
Once you have downloaded the ION API file from Infor, you can upload it by going to Settings → Document Processing → Export like below
M3 export mapping file is divided in 5 sections and each section is further divided into 2 sections
Header Static Fields
Header Fields
Tax Lines
Tax Line Static Fields
Tax Line Fields
Receipt Lines
Receipt Line Static Fields
Receipt Line Fields
Order Charge Lines (Additional Amounts)
Order Charge Static Fields
Order Charge Fields
Cost Lines
Cost Line Static Fields
Cost Line Fields
Adding New Field:
First we need to add the M3 api field name to the relevant section’s fields list property (e.g. StaticFields, HeaderFields, InvoiceTaxFields)
Define the static value or document field name for the api field with appropriate prefix for the section
Example 1: To define a static value of AAA for the M3 api field DIVI. First we added DIVI to StaticFields property. Then we add a line SF_DIVI = AAA as SF_ is the prefix for static fields
Example2: To map header field IVDT (invoice data) to invoice_date field of DocBits. First we add IVDT to HeaderFields property. Then we add a line HF_IVDT = invoice_date as HF_ is the prefix for header fields
Removing Field:
Just remove the field from section’s field list property and remove the line defining value for the field.
Available M3 fields can be checked by opening appropriate screen in M3.
Similarly you can get field names for lines
Fields List Property: StaticFields
Section Fields Prefix: SF_
Available Fields: You can map any M3 api field with any static value
Fields List Property: HeaderFields
Section Fields Prefix: HF_
Available Fields: You can map any DocBits field to any M3 api field
Fields List Property: InvoiceTaxStaticFields
Section Fields Prefix: IT_SF_
Available M3 Fields: Please check M3 API or UI
Available DocBits Fields: You can put any value as they are static fields
Fields List Property: InvoiceTaxFields
M3 Fields Prefix: ITF_
DocBits Table Field Prefix: TF_
Available M3 Fields: Please check M3 API or UI
Available DocBits Fields: line_number, tax_amount, tax_rate, net_amount, gross_amount, tax_code_full, tax_code, tax_country
Fields List Property: InvoiceReceiptStaticFields
Section Fields Prefix: IR_SF_
Available M3 Fields: Please check M3 API or UI
Available DocBits Fields: You can put any value as they are static fields
Fields List Property: InvoiceReceiptFields
M3 Fields Prefix: IRF_
DocBits Table Field Prefix: TF_
Available M3 Fields: Please check M3 API or UI
Available DocBits Fields: packing_slip, purchase_order, line_number, line_sequence, delivery_number, delivery_line, amount, quantity, total_net_amount
Fields List Property: OrderChargeStaticFields
Section Fields Prefix: OC_SF_
Available M3 Fields: Please check M3 API or UI
Available DocBits Fields: You can put any value as they are static fields
Fields List Property: OrderChargeFields
M3 Fields Prefix: OCF_
DocBits Table Field Prefix: TF_
Available M3 Fields: Please check M3 API or UI
Available DocBits Fields: ledger_account, dimension_2-7, amount, quantity, quantity2, position
Fields List Property: InvoiceCostStaticFields
Section Fields Prefix: IC_SF_
Available M3 Fields: Please check M3 API or UI
Available DocBits Fields: You can put any value as they are static fields
Fields List Property: InvoiceCostFields
M3 Fields Prefix: ICF_
DocBits Table Field Prefix: TF_
Available M3 Fields: Please check M3 API or UI
Available DocBits Fields: ledger_account, dimension_1-12, amount, quantity, quantity2, position
New update
Zodra je het bestand hebt verkregen, open je het in de door jou gekozen bestandseditor. Voor deze handleiding wordt VSCode gebruikt.
Controleer of de documenttypecode overeenkomt met die in DocBits (zoals bij het BOD Mappingbestand moet deze overeenkomen met de naam van het documenttype in de URL van de veldinstellingen) en controleer ook de naam van het documenttype zoals deze in Document Manager (IDM) in Infor zou moeten zijn.
FYI: Het geeft aan dat de naam van het documenttype in IDM M3_SupplierInvoice is, dit komt omdat dit een voorbeeld is van een M3-instantie. Dit kan veranderen afhankelijk van of je LN of M3 gebruikt, evenals je specifieke IDM-configuratie.
Controleer de bedrijfs-ID en controleer de Entiteit-ID (SF_MDS_EntityType), deze waarde moet hetzelfde zijn als in het BOD Mappingbestand.
Zorg ervoor dat de IndexFieldFromDocBits=IDMAttributeID (controleer of DocBits aan de linkerkant in de veldinstellingen overeenkomt met IDM aan de rechterkant in Documenttype → Attributen).
Om het originele XML/EDI-bestand samen met de gegenereerde PDF te exporteren, moet je het IDM Mappingbestand aanpassen in de exportconfiguratie. Werk eerst de sectie Static_Values bij door het bestandsvoorvoegsel en de extensie toe te voegen. Voeg daarna de daadwerkelijke mapping toe om de juiste exportconfiguratie te waarborgen.
Als er al een export voor facturen naar IDM is ingesteld, zou de gegenereerde PDF al in de export moeten zijn opgenomen. Als je het XML-bestand niet nodig hebt, kun je het volgende deel overslaan. Als je echter het XML-bestand wel nodig hebt, volg dan de onderstaande stappen.
Zoek het veld Static_Values en voeg het volgende toe:
Voeg vervolgens de volgende vermeldingen toe onder SV_ACLString:
Voeg daarna de daadwerkelijke mapping toe, zorg ervoor dat het exportdocumenttype overeenkomt met het IDM-leverancierstype.
Voeg de volgende mapping onderaan het bestand toe:
Opmerking: Zorg ervoor dat export_doc_type is ingesteld op het IDM-factuurtype. In dit voorbeeld is het ingesteld voor M3.
Voeg de volgende mapping onderaan het bestand toe:
Opmerking: Zorg ervoor dat export_doc_type is ingesteld op het IDM-factuurtype. In dit voorbeeld is het ingesteld voor M3.
Ga naar Document Manager en selecteer de naam van het huidige documenttype dat je probeert te exporteren, bijvoorbeeld Leveranciersfactuur.
Klik op het bovenstaande pictogram en klik vervolgens op Beheer → Documenttype en zoek het documenttype dat je nodig hebt in de lijst.
Zoals hieronder weergegeven, zie je dan de naam van het documenttype zoals deze in INFOR is.
Zorg ervoor dat dit is hoe de naam wordt weergegeven in het IDM Mappingbestand.
Zodra het bestand is voorbereid, upload je het naar je exportconfiguratie in DocBits. Dit is beschikbaar onder Instellingen → Exporteren.
Once at the home screen, click on the burger menu and select ION API
After opening ION API, click on Available APIs in the left menu
Click on “+ADD” block
Then “+ Create New”
The information you insert should look like this
FYI: The description has multiple environments as this will be used for multiple environments and the icon and its color always remain the same.
Next, select the + at the bottom of the screen
This Target Endpoint URL can be found at doc2api.cloudintegration.eu
The information underneath this field should look as follows.
Once you have filled in this information, to the right of these fields there is a “Target Endpoint Security” field with a drop down. Select API Key from this drop down.
A table will then appear underneath this drop down, fill in the following information. The key value is specific to the customer and environment, it can be found within DocBits.
From the Dashboard → Settings → Integration → API Key
Copy and paste this into the Key Value field in InforOS
Once this is complete, press the following icon to save the configuration
You are not yet completely done with the configuration.
Go back into the API you just configured and enter the details like below
Go to the Documentation tab at the bottom and click on the +
Enter the following details:
Name = DocBits-”environment”
Type = Swagger
URL = go to doc2api.cloudintegration.eu, once on this page, open the following link
Copy the URL and use it for the URL field in InforOS
Save it once you have entered the information for all the fields. There should be a loading icon for a while but the end result should look like this
The same process would be used to create the endpoints for other environments.
FYI: If in the future you are struggling to find these endpoints, in ION API go to API Metadata and click on this icon to refresh the API metadata.
From the DocBits Dashboard of the required customer, go to Settings → Export, to add a new document type for export, do as follows:
Click on the “+ New” button
Select “Infor IDM + ION BOD”
You will then be taken to this menu where you need to give the new exportable document type a Title, select the document type from the dropdown and add all the necessary Mapping Files (ION, IDM and BOD).
Download a BOD Mapping File and open it in your applicable file editor of choice to edit it. For this walkthrough, VSCode is used.
Change the company to the correct one (SFV_AccountingEntityID) and edit location ID if needed.
Check the document code by going to the field settings of the document type you are trying to export (found in URL of field settings of document type in DocBits like below
Lastly, edit the SFV_LogicalID which can be found in INFOR ION DESK → Connect → Connection points and select the DocBits_Export or similar connection point and within that page you will find the Logical ID you need.
If this Connection Point does not yet exist, you need to create one.
First, go to ION Desk → Connect → Connection Points and click on the “+ Add” button”
Then select the “IMS via API Gateway” option
You will be taken to the above screen where you must now fill in the necessary information, the name should be something like “DocBits_export” or similar.
For “ION API Client ID” you enter the same Client ID you obtained earlier for the ION Mapping File.
Then select the Document tab of the Connection Point creation menu and add the following documents by pressing the “+” sign, this will only become useful later.
Once you save this Connection Point you will obtain the Logical ID as shown below
Then insert this Logical ID into the appropriate section of the BOD Mapping File and save the file.
Drag and drop the file into your export configuration in DocBits. This is available at Settings → Export.
This document provides detailed information on how DocBits integrates with Infor M3 to handle charges associated with invoices and purchase orders (PO). It includes scenarios for external charges and the expected solutions.
External Charges Not on PO but on Invoice (Accepted)
External charges appear on the invoice but are not listed on the PO. These charges are accepted.
Charges will be posted against Accounting Rule PP20-228 based on the cost element sent by DocBits.
External Charges Not on PO but on Invoice (Not Accepted)
External charges appear on the invoice but are not listed on the PO. These charges are not accepted or approved.
The total invoice value is recorded with a header charge for non-approved charges. Additionally, a debit note is created for these charges.
External Charges on Invoice Greater or Lesser than PO (Within Tolerance)
External charges on the invoice are greater or lesser than those on the PO but within the accepted tolerance.
Extra charges are posted against Accounting Rule PP20-228 based on the cost element sent by DocBits.
External Charges on Invoice Greater than PO (Outside Tolerance, Not Approved)
External charges on the invoice are greater than those on the PO and outside the accepted tolerance, and they are not approved.
The invoice is recorded with the total invoice amount. An additional non-approved charge is added as a header charge, and a debit note is created for this additional charge.
External Charges on Invoice Greater than PO (Outside Tolerance, Approved in DocBits)
External charges on the invoice are greater than those on the PO and outside the accepted tolerance, and they are approved in DocBits.
Extra charges are posted against PP20-228. Two options considered:<br>- If APS900 tolerance > DocBits, extra charges automatically posted.<br>- If APS900 tolerance = DocBits, extra charges posted with new charge elements not on PO.
External Charges on Invoice Lesser than PO (Outside Tolerance, Not Approved)
External charges on the invoice are lesser than those on the PO and outside the accepted tolerance, and they are not approved.
The invoice is posted as unapproved in APS110. The AP team adjusts the charges through the Invoice Control option in APS110, which calls APS360.
External Charges on PO and No Charge on Invoice
External charges are listed on the PO, but there are no charges on the invoice.
The invoice is posted as unapproved in APS110. The AP team adjusts the charges through the Invoice Control option in APS110, which calls APS360.
Line 1
Freight (E001)
Tolerance of Freight: $100 approved automatically in M3 (APS900) and DocBits. Total invoice value of $9000 approved (with charges) manually.
APS451 (Invoice Line):
Line Type 1 (Invoice Line): $9000
Line Type 5 (Line Charge): $1000 (Element: E001 for Freight on PO $1000)
Line Type 5 (Line Charge): $2000 (Element: E101 for Freight on PO $0)
Sequence Number
Unique identifier for each charge scenario
Costing Element ID
Identifier for the costing element
Costing Element Description
Description of the costing element
Charge Type
Typically, "External"
Charge Invoicing
Relevance needs to be determined
Distribution Method
Method used for distributing the charges
Gross Weight
Applicable if gross weight is available on the invoice
Applicable cases need to be defined
Net Amount
Applicable cases need to be defined
3rd Party Charge
Presence on the invoice and processing requirements
Invoice Charge Quantity
Clarification needed
Assumed to be the difference between charge and discount
Charge Category
Relevance needs to be defined
Costing Operator
Relevance needs to be defined
If you only require your document to be exported to IDM or Document Management in INFOR, the configuration is similar to that of the export to IDM + LN/M3 but does not require any BOD Mapping file as there is no export to LN/M3 required.
Select the following option for exporting.
You will be required to upload an ION API file as well as an IDM Mapping file.
How to obtain these has been discussed earlier in this documentation. ION API file and IDM Mapping file.
You have created:
An ION API Endpoint
A BOD Mapping File
An IDM Mapping File
Before you setup the dataflow, you need to import the mapping files into InforOS.
In ION Desk → Connect and open Mappings
Click on the Import icon
From here you need to select the various mapping files you will need which include: SyncCaptDoc_SyncSuppInv, SyncSupplierInvoice_LoadSupplierInvoice, and LoadSupplierInvoice_ProcessSupplierInvoice.
Once you have imported all the mappings files, make sure to approve each of them by clicking the tick icon within each of their squares on the Mapping dashboard.
The next step is to setup the Data Flow in ION Desk, navigate to the ION Desk application and select Data Flow → + ADD → Document Flow like below
You will then see this page, this is where you will build the flow of information from DocBits to M3
An M3 data flow will look similar to what is shown below (there are 3 DocBits applications and APIs due to it being used for 3 separate environments).
All parts of the chain are dragged and dropped from the top section
In the chain, DocBits and M3 are both Applications whereas in between them there are mappings that convert the data into a form that can be understood by the next section of the train and “map” the information so that it goes to where it is needed or meant too.
Give it the appropriate name such as “DocBits” then select the plus sign and search for the connection point you created earlier such as DocBits_Export or similar and click on it.
To create this connection point, go to ION Desk → Connect → Connection Points
Click “+ Add”
Select “IMS via API Gateway” and fill in the following information
The ION API Client ID is in the ION API File you created at How to Create an ION API File, this can be found by the “ci” value.
Switch to the document tab, and add the Sync.CaptureDocument BOD to the DocBits connection point like below.
Then save the connection point by pressing the disk icon in the upper-left corner.
Navigate back to the Dataflow section of ION Desk to access your dataflow. Your DocBits application should look similar to what is shown below.
The first mapping node should look as follows
The second mapping node should look as follows
The third mapping node should look as follows
There should already be a M3 or similarly named connection point created in INFOR so just like the DocBits Application you select it by clicking the “+” sign and it should look as follows
You will first need to create this API as a connection point which is done by:
ION Desk → Connect → Connection Points
Click “+ Add” and select API
The information you fill in should look like the following
Switch to the document tab and add the following configuration
The configuration for this BOD is as follows
Make sure you have selected the “Send to API” option in the above menu.
Lastly ensure that you alter the request body as well to look like this.
Repeat this process for the rest of the BODs, each configuration is shown below.
The configuration for this BOD is as follows
The configuration for this BOD is as follows
The configuration for this BOD is as follows
The following configurations should look as follows:
The last icon should be empty as it is not carrying any document or information.
Once you have added all necessary nodes to the data flow, press this button to activate the data flow (after saving the data flow by pressing the hard drive icon).
You have created:
An ION API Endpoint
A BOD Mapping File
An IDM Mapping File
Before you set up the data flow, you need to import the mapping files into InforOS
In ION Desk → Connect and open Mappings
Click on the Import icon
From here you need to select the various mapping files you will need which include: SyncCaptDoc_SyncSuppInv, SyncSupplierInvoice_LoadSupplierInvoice, and LoadSupplierInvoice_ProcessSupplierInvoice.
Once you have imported all the mappings files, make sure to approve each of them by clicking the tick icon within each of their squares on the Mapping dashboard.
The next step is to setup the Data Flow in ION Desk, navigate to the ION Desk application and select Data Flow → + ADD → Document Flow like below
You will then see this page, this is where you will build the flow of information from DocBits to M3
An LN data flow will look similar to what is shown below (there are multiple paths due to each individual path being meant for a specific document type, for this explanation we will focus on the invoice data flow).
All parts of the chain are dragged and dropped from the top section
In the chain, DocBits and LN are both Applications whereas in between them there are mappings that convert the data into a form that can be understood by the next section of the dataflow and “map” the information so that it goes to where it is needed or meant too.
Give it the appropriate name such as “DocBits” then select the plus sign and search for the connection point you created earlier such as DocBits_Export or similar and click on it.
To create this connection point, go to ION Desk → Connect → Connection Points
Click “+ Add”
Select “IMS via API Gateway” and fill in the following information
The ION API Client ID is in the ION API File you created at How to Create an ION API File under the “ci” value.
Switch to the document tab, and add the Sync.CaptureDocument BOD to the DocBits connection point like below.
Then save the connection point by pressing the disk icon in the upper-left corner.
Navigate back to the Dataflow section of ION Desk to access your dataflow. Your DocBits application should look similar to what is shown below.
The first mapping node should look as follows
The second mapping node should look as follows
There should already be an LN or similarly named connection point (for the appropriate LN company) created in INFOR so, just like the DocBits Application you select it by clicking the “+” sign and it should look as follows
The following configurations should look as follows:
The last icon should be empty as it is not carrying any document or information.
Once you have added all necessary nodes to the data flow, press this button to activate the data flow
Deze gids leidt je door het installatieproces om ervoor te zorgen dat belastingcodes correct worden geëxporteerd van DocBits naar LN.
Ga naar Instellingen -> Documentverwerking -> Lijst met waarden.
Klik op Nieuw.
Maak een lijst met de naam Tax_Country
en klik op Opslaan.
Maak de volgende drie extra lijsten aan:
Klik op een van de nieuw aangemaakte lijsten om deze te openen. Druk vervolgens op de knop Rij Toevoegen om een nieuwe rij toe te voegen.
Voer de gewenste respectieve waarden in van LN en druk op Opslaan om de wijzigingen op te slaan.
Als je meerdere waarden hebt, kun je op Meer waarden toevoegen klikken om ze toe te voegen.
OPMERKING: Je kunt de belastingcodes in LN vinden onder: Common → Taxation → Master Data → Tax Codes → Tax Codes by Country
Navigeer naar Instellingen -> Algemene Instellingen -> Documenttypen.
Kies het menu Velden dat overeenkomt met het documenttype waarin je de velden wilt toevoegen.
Onder Belastingdetails, maak zes nieuwe velden aan als volgt:
Lijst met waarden
Tax Country
Tax Country Reduced
Tax Country Free
Tax Code
Tax Code Reduced
Tax Code Free
Na het opslaan van elk veld, klik op Instellingen Opslaan om de wijzigingen toe te passen.
Ga naar Instellingen -> Algemene Instellingen -> Documenttypen.
Open het menu Bewerk Lay-out voor het documenttype dat je wilt bewerken.
Selecteer de juiste Document Oorsprong waarvoor je de belastingcodes wilt toepassen.
Scroll naar beneden naar de sectie Tax Details.
Vouw het dropdownmenu Vormelementen uit.
In de sectie Tax Details gebruik je de Horizontal Separator Tool. Sleep en laat deze vallen tussen de subsecties binnen de belastingsectie om ze duidelijk te scheiden en verwarring te verminderen.
Vouw het dropdownmenu Formuliervelden uit.
Zoek naar Tax Country en sleep het veld naar het bijbehorende gebied.
Zoek naar Tax Code en sleep het veld naar het overeenkomstige gebied.
Sla de sjabloon op.
Na het uploaden van een nieuw document in DocBits met de juiste documentinstellingen geselecteerd, zou je nu in staat moeten zijn om de belastingcodes te selecteren die je in Stap 1 aan de lijsten hebt toegevoegd.
Ga naar Instellingen -> Documentverwerking -> Lijst met waarden.
Klik op Nieuw.
Maak een lijst met de naam Tax_Country
en klik op Opslaan.
Maak de volgende drie extra lijsten aan:
Klik op een van de nieuw aangemaakte lijsten om deze te openen. Druk vervolgens op de knop Rij Toevoegen om een nieuwe rij toe te voegen.
Voer de gewenste respectieve waarden in van LN en druk op Opslaan om de wijzigingen op te slaan.
Als je meerdere waarden hebt, kun je op Meer waarden toevoegen klikken om ze toe te voegen.
OPMERKING: Je kunt de belastingcodes in LN vinden onder: Common → Taxation → Master Data → Tax Codes → Tax Codes by Country
Navigeer naar Instellingen -> Algemene Instellingen -> Documenttypen.
Kies het menu Velden dat overeenkomt met het documenttype waarin je de velden wilt toevoegen.
Onder Belastingdetails, maak zes nieuwe velden aan als volgt:
Lijst met waarden
Tax Country
Tax Country Reduced
Tax Country Free
Tax Code
Tax Code Reduced
Tax Code Free
Na het opslaan van elk veld, klik op Instellingen Opslaan om de wijzigingen toe te passen.
Ga naar Instellingen -> Algemene Instellingen -> Documenttypen.
Open het menu Bewerk Lay-out voor het documenttype dat je wilt bewerken.
Selecteer de juiste Document Oorsprong waarvoor je de belastingcodes wilt toepassen.
Scroll naar beneden naar de sectie Tax Details.
Vouw het dropdownmenu Vormelementen uit.
In de sectie Tax Details gebruik je de Sub Group Tool. Sleep en laat deze vallen naast een bestaand veld.
Om je subgroep een naam te geven, klik op de subgroep en voer je gewenste naam in het Label veld in.
Sleep en laat de velden die bij deze groep horen in het Sub Group veld vallen.
Vouw het dropdownmenu Velden uit.
Zoek naar Tax en sleep de respectieve velden, zoals Tax Country en Tax Code, naar de overeenkomstige subgroep.
Herhaal stappen 5 tot en met 10 2 keer om de volgende staat te bereiken:
Sla de sjabloon op.
Na het uploaden van een nieuw document in DocBits met de juiste documentinstellingen geselecteerd, ben je in staat om de belastingcodes te selecteren die je in Stap 1 hebt toegevoegd en meerdere belastingcodes toe te voegen die in Stap 3 zijn geconfigureerd.
Het document begint met drie verschillende secties: één voor Belasting Volledige bedragen, één voor Belasting Verminderde bedragen, en één voor Belasting Vrije bedragen.
Door op de plusknop binnen een sectie te klikken, wordt een duplicaat gemaakt, waardoor meerdere indieningen tegen het geselecteerde belastingtarief mogelijk zijn.
Secties kunnen worden verwijderd door op de verwijderknop te klikken.
Totale Bedragen worden berekend als een som van alle secties.
Validatie van het Totale Bedrag zal worden aangepast op basis van alle belastingsecties.
Scripts voor nieuwe secties kunnen alleen worden toegepast zodra velden aan de weergave zijn toegevoegd.
In LN zal de USt Positie worden ingevuld op basis van het positie nummer van het Tax Code/Tax Country dropdownmenu. Alleen het Positie nummer zal worden verzonden voor export.
Om de Tax Line met de Cost Line te koppelen:
Voeg TaxLine
toe aan de InvoiceCostFields lijst.
Voeg de volgende invoer toe, volgens het onderstaande voorbeeld:
ICF_TaxLine = TF_position