This document provides detailed information on how DocBits integrates with Infor M3 to handle charges associated with invoices and purchase orders (PO). It includes scenarios for external charges and the expected solutions.
External Charges Not on PO but on Invoice (Accepted)
External charges appear on the invoice but are not listed on the PO. These charges are accepted.
Charges will be posted against Accounting Rule PP20-228 based on the cost element sent by DocBits.
External Charges Not on PO but on Invoice (Not Accepted)
External charges appear on the invoice but are not listed on the PO. These charges are not accepted or approved.
The total invoice value is recorded with a header charge for non-approved charges. Additionally, a debit note is created for these charges.
External Charges on Invoice Greater or Lesser than PO (Within Tolerance)
External charges on the invoice are greater or lesser than those on the PO but within the accepted tolerance.
Extra charges are posted against Accounting Rule PP20-228 based on the cost element sent by DocBits.
External Charges on Invoice Greater than PO (Outside Tolerance, Not Approved)
External charges on the invoice are greater than those on the PO and outside the accepted tolerance, and they are not approved.
The invoice is recorded with the total invoice amount. An additional non-approved charge is added as a header charge, and a debit note is created for this additional charge.
External Charges on Invoice Greater than PO (Outside Tolerance, Approved in DocBits)
External charges on the invoice are greater than those on the PO and outside the accepted tolerance, and they are approved in DocBits.
Extra charges are posted against PP20-228. Two options considered:<br>- If APS900 tolerance > DocBits, extra charges automatically posted.<br>- If APS900 tolerance = DocBits, extra charges posted with new charge elements not on PO.
External Charges on Invoice Lesser than PO (Outside Tolerance, Not Approved)
External charges on the invoice are lesser than those on the PO and outside the accepted tolerance, and they are not approved.
The invoice is posted as unapproved in APS110. The AP team adjusts the charges through the Invoice Control option in APS110, which calls APS360.
External Charges on PO and No Charge on Invoice
External charges are listed on the PO, but there are no charges on the invoice.
The invoice is posted as unapproved in APS110. The AP team adjusts the charges through the Invoice Control option in APS110, which calls APS360.
Line 1
Freight (E001)
Tolerance of Freight: $100 approved automatically in M3 (APS900) and DocBits. Total invoice value of $9000 approved (with charges) manually.
APS451 (Invoice Line):
Line Type 1 (Invoice Line): $9000
Line Type 5 (Line Charge): $1000 (Element: E001 for Freight on PO $1000)
Line Type 5 (Line Charge): $2000 (Element: E101 for Freight on PO $0)
Sequence Number
Unique identifier for each charge scenario
Costing Element ID
Identifier for the costing element
Costing Element Description
Description of the costing element
Charge Type
Typically, "External"
Charge Invoicing
Relevance needs to be determined
Distribution Method
Method used for distributing the charges
Gross Weight
Applicable if gross weight is available on the invoice
Applicable cases need to be defined
Net Amount
Applicable cases need to be defined
3rd Party Charge
Presence on the invoice and processing requirements
Invoice Charge Quantity
Clarification needed
Assumed to be the difference between charge and discount
Charge Category
Relevance needs to be defined
Costing Operator
Relevance needs to be defined
You have created:
An ION API Endpoint
A BOD Mapping File
An IDM Mapping File
Before you setup the dataflow, you need to import the mapping files into InforOS.
In ION Desk → Connect and open Mappings
Click on the Import icon
From here you need to select the various mapping files you will need which include: SyncCaptDoc_SyncSuppInv, SyncSupplierInvoice_LoadSupplierInvoice, and LoadSupplierInvoice_ProcessSupplierInvoice.
Once you have imported all the mappings files, make sure to approve each of them by clicking the tick icon within each of their squares on the Mapping dashboard.
The next step is to setup the Data Flow in ION Desk, navigate to the ION Desk application and select Data Flow → + ADD → Document Flow like below
You will then see this page, this is where you will build the flow of information from DocBits to M3
An M3 data flow will look similar to what is shown below (there are 3 DocBits applications and APIs due to it being used for 3 separate environments).
All parts of the chain are dragged and dropped from the top section
In the chain, DocBits and M3 are both Applications whereas in between them there are mappings that convert the data into a form that can be understood by the next section of the train and “map” the information so that it goes to where it is needed or meant too.
Give it the appropriate name such as “DocBits” then select the plus sign and search for the connection point you created earlier such as DocBits_Export or similar and click on it.
To create this connection point, go to ION Desk → Connect → Connection Points
Click “+ Add”
Select “IMS via API Gateway” and fill in the following information
The ION API Client ID is in the ION API File you created at How to Create an ION API File, this can be found by the “ci” value.
Switch to the document tab, and add the Sync.CaptureDocument BOD to the DocBits connection point like below.
Then save the connection point by pressing the disk icon in the upper-left corner.
Navigate back to the Dataflow section of ION Desk to access your dataflow. Your DocBits application should look similar to what is shown below.
The first mapping node should look as follows
The second mapping node should look as follows
The third mapping node should look as follows
There should already be a M3 or similarly named connection point created in INFOR so just like the DocBits Application you select it by clicking the “+” sign and it should look as follows
You will first need to create this API as a connection point which is done by:
ION Desk → Connect → Connection Points
Click “+ Add” and select API
The information you fill in should look like the following
Switch to the document tab and add the following configuration
The configuration for this BOD is as follows
Make sure you have selected the “Send to API” option in the above menu.
Lastly ensure that you alter the request body as well to look like this.
Repeat this process for the rest of the BODs, each configuration is shown below.
The configuration for this BOD is as follows
The configuration for this BOD is as follows
The configuration for this BOD is as follows
The following configurations should look as follows:
The last icon should be empty as it is not carrying any document or information.
Once you have added all necessary nodes to the data flow, press this button to activate the data flow (after saving the data flow by pressing the hard drive icon).