You will need to create the DocBits API connection point in order to create the data flow later.
First, in InforOS, navigate to ION Desk → Connect → Connection Points
Once here, you will need to create a new connection point.
Select API
Give the connection point a name and description that describes its nature and its environment. Under the Connection tab, import the service account you created for the environment you are working with.
Next, switch to the Documents tab. You will need to add the following BODs to the connection point.
This BOD is used to signal on DocBits that an error has occurred within Infor. The configuration for these two BODs should look similar to the following (API Call Name changing for each)
The configuration for this BOD should look similar to the following
The configuration for this BOD should look similar to the following
Once these BODs are configured, you can save the connection point by pressing the icon located right to the back button.
The data flow will look similar to the following
(The reason for multiple DocBits APIs is due to each connection representing a different environment meaning, depending on the amount of environments you have, your data flow could differ slightly)
For the purpose of this explanation we will use the example of having four separate environments.
The start of the data flow consists of your LN application
Here you will add an application and select the DocBits API(s) you created earlier
The configuration should look as follows
Once all the above is completed, you will need to navigate to Infor LN and trigger the BODs in order for the various master data you need for Suppliers and Purchase Orders to arrive in DocBits.
From the above menu, in the left menu tab, select Common → BOD-Messaging → Publish BODs → Publish Order Management Transactional Data
Select the PurchaseOrder tab and check the box.
From the LN homepage, in the left menu tab, navigate to Common → BOD-Messaging → Publish BODs → Publish Logistics Master Data
Select the PartyMaster tab and check the Supplier → Buy-from or SupplierPartyMaster box.
Once all the correct BODs have been checked for publication, select the Options tab.
The following options should be selected.
Once this is complete, press the PROCESS button and the BODs will be triggered. A message will appear on screen to notify you that the BODs have been triggered.
If done successfully, the Supplier and Purchase Order tables should now be available under Settings → Master Data Lookup.
Functioning LN to DocBits dataflow
Correctly configured DocBits environment
In Infor, open the ION Desk application. In the left tab, go to Connect → Connection Points
This is where you will create the two connection points needed to import your data from LN that is required for Auto Accounting.
Click on “+ADD” to create a new connection point, select the API option like below
You will need to configure two separate API connection points, namely:
The connection tab for your ChartOfAccounts connection point should look similar to what is illustrated below. Give the connection point an appropriate name and description, as well as import the Service Account you created.
You will need to add two BODs in this section for this connection point. These being Sync.ChartOfAccounts and Sync.CodeDefinition, to add these BODs do the following:
Click on the PLUS (+) icon
Select “Send to API”
Search for the Sync.ChartOfAccounts BOD
Switch to the ION API tab, copy the API name and search for the API Call by pressing the SELECT button
At product, select the API Endpoint that you created for the environment you are working with, which you created in ION API. Search for the following API call, select the API call and press OK.
Next, switch the Request Body tab
Here is where you will configure the field mapping for this BOD, your configuration should look like the following. The field mappings are available at https://docbits.com/doc/field-mappings/.
Once you have completed the above steps, you will have successfully configured the Sync.ChartOfAccounts BOD. Click on the PLUS icon to add the next and final BOD.
Sync.CodeDefinition (TotalFlexDimensions)
The connection tab for your CodeDefinition connection point should look similar to what is illustrated below. Give the connection point an appropriate name and description, as well as import the Service Account you created.
Select “Send to API”
Search for the Sync.CodeDefinition BOD
Switch to the ION API tab, copy the API name and search for the API Call by pressing the SELECT button
Next, switch the Request Body tab
Here is where you will configure the field mapping for this BOD, your configuration should look like the following. The field mappings are available at https://docbits.com/doc/field-mappings/.
Once you have completed the above steps, you will have successfully configured the Sync.CodeDefinition BOD for the TotalFlexDimensions master data table.
The connection tab for your FinalFlexDimensions connection point should look similar to what is illustrated below. Give the connection point an appropriate name and description, as well as import the Service Account you created.
You will need to add one BOD in this section for this connection point. This being the Sync.CodeDefinition, to add this BOD do the following:
The connection tab for your CodeDefinition connection point should look similar to what is illustrated below. Give the connection point an appropriate name and description, as well as import the Service Account you created.
Select “Send to API”
Search for the Sync.CodeDefinition BOD
Switch to the ION API tab, copy the API name and search for the API Call by pressing the SELECT button
Next, switch the Request Body tab
Here is where you will configure the field mapping for this BOD, your configuration should look like the following. The field mappings are available at https://docbits.com/doc/field-mappings/.
Once you have completed the above steps, you will have successfully configured the Sync.CodeDefinition BOD for the FinalFlexDimensions master data table.
You will need to configure two separate data flows for Auto Accounting:
An overview of this data flow looks as shown below (the amount of DocBits API connection points at the end depends on the amount of different environments you are configuring).
The configuration for this connection point depends on the LN company which contains the master data you wish to import into DocBits, yours should look similar to what is shown below.
The following documents need to be added to the data flow:
This is where you add the ChartOfAccounts API connection point which you created earlier, the configuration for this should look similar to this
An overview of this data flow looks as shown below (the amount of DocBits API connection points at the end depends on the amount of different environments you are configuring).
The configuration for this connection point depends on the LN company which contains the master data you wish to import into DocBits, yours should look similar to what is shown below.
The following document needs to be added to the data flow:
DocBits (FlexDimensions)
This is where you add the FinalFlexDimensions API connection point which you created earlier, the configuration for this should look similar to this
Once all the above is completed, you will need to navigate to Infor LN and trigger the BODs in order for the various master data you need for Auto Accounting to arrive in DocBits.
From the above menu, in the left menu tab, select Common → BOD-Messaging → Publish BODs → Publish Financial Master Data. From the following menu you will find the FlexDimensions and ChartOfAccounts BODs to publish.
Select the following BODs to publish by simply checking each box, no other changes need to be made as we want to publish all of these BODs so that the master data is complete in DocBits.
Once both of the above BODs are selected, navigate to the Options tab
Once on the Option menu, select the following options and select PROCESS to publish the BODs.
Once this is done you should see the three separate master data tables in your DocBits environment(s) under Master Data Lookup:
Open ION Desk → Connect → Connection Points
You will need 4 connection points for this dataflow, 3 API connection points for the different tax code categories (full, reduced and free) and an Application connection point representing your LN company.
In order to create new connection points, select the “+ADD” button”
Select “API” at the bottom of the list of options
You will be taken to the following page
This is where you will enter all the details of the TaxCode connection point. For each of the three connection points you will be creating do the following
Enter a Name: TaxCodeFull, TaxCodeReduced, TaxCodeFree
Description: This can be the same as the Name or similar
Import a service account you created.
Switch to the “Documents” tab and select the PLUS icon to add the BOD we need, like below
Search for the BOD
Search for the BOD called “Sync.LnTaxCode”, click on it and press “OK” to add the BOD.
Move on to the ION API section. Under API Call Name you can use the name of the BOD, Sync.LnTaxCode
Press the “SELECT” button
Select the API you configured for the environment you are working with and search for the following API. Once you have selected it, press “OK”.
Next, switch to the Request Body tab.
Here is where there will be a slight change for each connection point, this is seen in the field mappings you will assign to each tax code as they differ slightly.
In the field_mappings row, under value, is where you will put the specific field mappings for the specific tax code connection point you are creating (full, reduced or free). These mappings are available at https://docbits.com/doc/field-mappings/.
The end result should look the same or similar to the image above. Once this is done, click the SAVE option located here.
Navigate to ION Desk → Connect → Data Flows
Click on “+ADD” and select document flow
Create the following data flow by dragging and dropping the components from the to menu
Here is where you will select your LN company, the final result should look similar to the following
This is where you will add the Sync.LnTaxCode BOD from earlier, the result looks as follows
The Name and Description will depend on the environment you are using and your preferences.
The Name and Description will depend on the environment you are using and your preferences.
The Name and Description will depend on the environment you are using and your preferences.
This is where you select the API connection points you created earlier, this is done by selecting the API under the “Select ION API Connector” drop down menu.
The Name and Description will depend on the environment you are using and your preferences.
The Name and Description will depend on the environment you are using and your preferences.
The Name and Description will depend on the environment you are using and your preferences.
Once all the above is done, SAVE and ACTIVATE the data flow by pressing the following buttons
Open LN in Infor
Navigate to Common → BOD Messaging → Publish BODs → Publish Financial Master Data
Select MORE and click on LnTaxCode
Tick the checkbox to select the LnTaxCode BODs
Navigate back to the OPTIONS tab, your configuration should look as follows
When you would like to publish the BODs, select PROCESS.
The end result should give you a similar table in your DocBits environment.
A guide to importing master data from INFOR M3.
A guide to importing master data from INFOR LN.
Om de tabelextractie voor kostenelement in te schakelen, moet je de m3kostenelementtabel in DocBits importeren.
Typ vanaf de M3-startpagina Command + r en zoek de prompt “PPS280”.
Selecteer een van de weergegeven regels. Kies in het volgende menu voor HULPMIDDELEN en “Exporteer naar Excel”.
Selecteer “Exporteer alle rijen” en druk vervolgens op EXPORTEREN.
Zodra het is gedownload, moet je het Excel-bestand aanpassen voordat je het in een CSV-bestand converteert.
Je moet het Excel-bestand openen, het zal er ongeveer zo uitzien als hieronder weergegeven.
Van deze Excel-sheet heb je de kolommen A, B, H, J, K en I nodig, pas de Excel-sheet aan zodat het eindresultaat er als volgt uitziet.
Zodra dit is gedaan, sla het bestand op als een CSV.
Zodra je je CSV-bestand hebt, ga naar de volgende webpagina. Dit hangt af van welke omgeving je gebruikt:
Prod: http://api.docbits.com/
Sandbox: http://sandbox.api.docbits.com/
Stage: http://stage.api.docbits.com/
Demo: http://demo.api.docbits.com/
Dev: http://dev.api.docbits.com/
Hier kun je de CostingElement-tabel handmatig uploaden via een API. Klik op de knop Autoriseren.
Hier moet je de API-sleutel van je DocBits-omgeving invoeren. Deze bevindt zich in Instellingen onder Integratie.
Zodra dit is voltooid, zoek naar de API genaamd master_data_lookup/import_data en vul de vereiste informatie in. Zodra dit is voltooid, klik op UITVOEREN om de API te activeren.
Als dit correct is gedaan, zou de M3CostingElement-tabel nu in je DocBits-omgeving moeten staan. Tabelextractie voor kostenelementen is nu geconfigureerd voor je omgeving.
After finishing all these steps you have activated the BOD to import all suppliers from table CIDMAS. After some minutes you should see the supplier in Docbits. \
Functioning M3 to DocBits dataflow
Correctly configured DocBits environment
In Infor, open the ION Desk application. In the left tab, go to Connect → Connection Points
This is where you will create the connection point needed to import your data from M3 that is required for Auto Accounting.
Click on “+ADD” to create a new connection point, select the API option like below
You will need to configure the API connection point called:
The connection tab for your ChartOfAccounts connection point should look similar to what is illustrated below. Give the connection point an appropriate name and description, as well as import the Service Account you created.
You will need to add two BODs in this section for this connection point. These being Sync.ChartOfAccounts and Sync.CodeDefinition, to add these BODs do the following:
Click on the PLUS (+) icon
Select “Send to API”
Search for the Sync.ChartOfAccounts BOD
Switch to the ION API tab, copy the API name and search for the API Call by pressing the SELECT button
At product, select the API Endpoint that you created for the environment you are working with, which you created in ION API. Search for the following API call, select the API call and press OK.
Next, switch the Request Body tab
Here is where you will configure the field mapping for this BOD, your configuration should look like the following. The field mappings are available here.
Once you have completed the above steps, you will have successfully configured the Sync.ChartOfAccounts BOD. Click on the PLUS icon to add the next and final BOD.
The connection tab for your CodeDefinition connection point should look similar to what is illustrated below. Give the connection point an appropriate name and description, as well as import the Service Account you created.
Select “Send to API”
Search for the Sync.CodeDefinition BOD
Switch to the ION API tab, copy the API name and search for the API Call by pressing the SELECT button
Next, switch the Request Body tab
Here is where you will configure the field mapping for this BOD, your configuration should look like the following. The field mappings are available here.
Once you have completed the above steps, you will have successfully configured the Sync.CodeDefinition BOD for the M3FlexDimensions master data table.
You will need to configure the following data flow for Auto Accounting:
An overview of this data flow looks as shown below (the amount of DocBits API connection points at the end depends on the amount of different environments you are configuring).
The configuration for this connection point depends on the M3 company which contains the master data you wish to import into DocBits, yours should look similar to what is shown below.
The following documents need to be added to the data flow:
For the second route of the dataflow (according to the routing in the data flow), we apply a filter with the following configuration.
This is where you add the ChartOfAccounts API connection point which you created earlier, the configuration for this should look similar to this
Once all the above is completed, you will need to navigate to Infor M3 and trigger the BODs in order for the various master data you need for Auto Accounting to arrive in DocBits.
Start by pressing Command + r, to open the prompt menu, type “evs006” and press enter.
The following menu will be displayed to you
To add the various BODs you will need to enter the BOD nouns and Table names for each BOD individually.
The BODs you need to add include:
To add the new BOD after, after entering the BOD Noun and Table Name, press the pLUS icon indicated below
The BOD nouns and Table names are as follows.
BOD Noun: ChartOfAccounts
Table Name: FCHACC
BOD Noun: CodeDefinitionAccountingDimension
Table Name: FCHACC
After adding each BOD, right click on the BOD you added, select Related and then Run.
You will be taken to this screen.
Change BOD Verb to “sync” and press NEXT.
Once you press NEXT, you will get a notification indicating that the BOD publishing process has begun.
In order to import the m3costingelement table into DocBits, you need to do the following.
From the M3 Homepage, type Command + r and search the “PPS280” prompt.
Select any of the lines displayed to you. On the next menu, select TOOLS and “Export to Excel”
Select “Export all Rows” and then press EXPORT.
Once downloaded, you will need to alter the excel file before converting it into a CSV file.
You will need to open the excel file, it will look similar to what is shown below.
From this excel sheet you only need the first 2 columns, alter the excel sheet so that the end result looks as follows.
Once this is done, save the file as a CSV.
Once you have your CSV file, go to the following webpage. This depends on which environment you are using:
Prod: http://api.docbits.com/
Sandbox: http://sandbox.api.docbits.com/
Stage: http://stage.api.docbits.com/
Demo: http://demo.api.docbits.com/
Dev: http://dev.api.docbits.com/
Here you will manually upload the CostingElement table via an API. Click on the Authorise button.
Here you will need to insert the API Key from your DocBits environment. This is located in Settings under Integration.
Once complete, search for the API called master_data_lookup/import_data and fill in the required information. Once complete, click EXECUTE to trigger the API.
If done correctly, the M3CostingElement table should now be in your DocBits environment. Auto Accounting for M3 has now been configured for your environment.
You will need to create the DocBits API connection point in order to create the data flow later.
In InforOS, navigate to ION Desk → Connect → Connection Points
Once here, you will need to create a new connection point.
Select API
Give the connection point a name and description that describes its nature and its environment. Under the Connection tab, import the service account you created for the environment you are working with.
Next, switch to the Documents tab. You will need to add the following BODs to the connection point, not all are necessary for the supplier and purchase order master data but will be useful when other features such as Auto Accounting need to be implemented.
For now we will only focus on the necessary BODs, these being: Sync.RemitToPartyMasterData, Sync.SupplierPartyMaster and Sync.PurchaseOrder.
Sync.RemitToPartyMasterData and Sync.SupplierPartyMaster
The configuration for these two BODs should look similar to the following (API Call Name changing for each)
The configuration for this BOD should look similar to the following
Once these BODs are configured, you can save the connection point by pressing the icon located right to the back button.
The data flow will look similar to the following
(The reason for multiple DocBits APIs is due to each connection representing a different environment meaning, depending on the amount of environments you have, your data flow could differ slightly)
For the purpose of this explanation we will use the example of having four separate environments.
The start of the data flow consists of your M3 application
Configuration of the filter looks as follows
(The accounting entity ID of course being unique to your organization)
Here you will add an application and select the DocBits API(s) you created earlier
The configuration should look as follows
Navigate to the Infor M3 application
Once at the main menu, type Command + R to open the command prompt search box. Then type evs006 and search.
Once on this page, you will need to add the SupplierPartyMaster, RemitToPartyMaster and PurchaseOrder to the list.
BOD noun: SupplierPartyMaster
BOD noun: RemitToPartyMaster
BOD noun: PurchaseOrder
For each case you will need to press the plus icon to add them to list.
After you have added each of the BODs, right click on the BOD noun of the BOD and select Related → Run
You will be taken to the following menu, where you will need to change BOD verb to Sync and then press NEXT to trigger the BODs.
Once you trigger the BODs, you will get a notification confirming this.
If done successfully, the Supplier and Purchase Order tables should now be available under Settings → Master Data Lookup.
How to Import Master Data directly within DocBits.
From the Dashboard navigate to Settings → Document Processing → Module.
In Module, activate Custom Master Data by pressing the slider as shown below.
In order to add your own master data into DocBits, navigate to Master Data Lookup in Settings.
Click on “Custom Master Data”
You then have the option to create a Template or an Endpoint.
The first step is to choose between using your organizations ION API file or to use OAuth2 and enter the necessary data.
Next, we will configure the presets. Here you will enter the Master Data table name the API call URL.
You will then be required to enter the JSON path using dot notation, for more information on dot notation click here.
Lastly, you will need to map the data to the columns you would like to create like in the example below.
After you have done this, click on Done for your new master data to be created and populated .
The first step is to choose between using your organizations ION API file, to use OAuth2 or to leave this blank and enter the necessary data.
Next, we will configure the presets. Here you will enter the Master Data table name the API call URL.
You will then be required to enter the JSON path using dot notation, for more information on dot notation click here.
Lastly, you will need to map the data to the columns you would like to create like in the example below.
After you have done this, click on Done for your new master data to be created and populated .